We would like to make admission to Immanuel as easy as possible for you and your child. Choosing a school is a difficult task at times for both students and parents. You may be considering us for your children because people have recommended the school to you. Word of mouth is important, but it’s not enough.
Take the time to visit your child’s schooling options. Ask about the academic program. Consider how the school treats children with learning disabilities. Is there flexibility for individual differences? Look for an awareness that children are whole beings, not just brains: is there a commitment to the development of the whole being, including the musical, athletic, and social dimensions? Look at the interactions between the students and the staff. If you see smiles on people’s faces, chances are it’s a healthy place in which to learn.
Come and see the difference. Immanuel welcomes your visit. Feel free to visit one of our open houses, or just drop by some time! We will exceed your expectations.
We encourage you to get in touch with us as soon as you are considering enrolling at Immanuel. Openings are not always available as the classes tend to fill up early. We accept applications year-round.