Fostering innovative approaches to education.
High School
Grades 9-12
The Immanuel Christian School High School (Grades 9-12) has been growing in size and programming since it joined the rest of the school in 2017. We are pleased to be offering a comprehensive high school program with gifted, Christian teachers engaging students daily to learn more about Christ’s Kingdom and helping them discover their unique gifts and talents. The ICS high school courses follow the Prince Edward Island Public School curriculum standards, which enables us to well prepare our students for post-secondary education, and also offer our Immanuel Christian High School Diploma. All of our courses are taught from a Christian perspective, where we use the Bible as our foundation. In addition, we offer locally developed Faith and Worldview courses at every high school grade level where we study the Old and New Testaments, discuss world events and social topics in light of our Christian faith, and understand our story as part of the greater story of God’s Story of Salvation. Our high school offers a unique learning space that caters to a wide range of learning styles, and is particularly effective for a variety of high quality teaching pedagogies, including project-based learning. Many of our courses are offered as full year classes, providing teachers and students with the benefit of a continuous flow of study in each subject from year to year. The ICS high school teachers create wonderful and creative learning opportunities for students both inside and outside the classroom as they partner with local organizations to provide authentic learning experiences. As of the fall of 2024, we have graduated 53 Grade 12 students, all of whom have been accepted into their first choices for post-secondary education. Our graduates are attending colleges and universities across Canada, in the US, and even internationally.
When asked to describe their high school experience, current students responded with:
“Teachers make every effort to know their students. They want to engage us in our learning, and they genuinely care about us as individuals and care about our walk with the Lord.”
“Our high school is small and welcoming. Even if you are new here, you will quickly settle in and be known.”
“Our teachers are approachable and we have a safe environment to discuss big topics so that we can learn and grow.”
“Everyone knows everyone in our high school. It is familiar and cozy.”
The Academic Graduation Requirements for students at
Immanuel Christian High School are as follows:
4 English credits
3 Math credits
3 Science credits
3 Social Studies credits
4 Faith and Worldview Studies credits
2 Physical Education credits
2 Arts credits (music, art, drama)
7 additional courses to total 28 credits from Grades 9-12 (these courses are also dependent on post-secondary requirements)
*Additional courses offered to complete graduation requirements include Co-operative Education (on and off site workplace experience for credit), in school Peer Helping, Tech and Trades (in partnership with the Construction Association of PEI), Career Explorations and Opportunities, Food and Nutrition, and more.